"Our logo is made up of three elements: the blossoming lotus, the name ‘iKeva,’ and the tagline, ‘Here you build your future.’ In Sanskrit, the word Keva means lotus, a symbol traditionally associated with knowledge, learning, mindfulness, and wisdom. The ‘i’ in iKeva refers to the individual who enters our community for the purpose of expanding and sharing knowledge. And finally, our tagline highlights our mission to serve as a support infrastructure to enable business and high-powered individuals to prosper in today’s knowledge economy. Every aspect of our organization is geared towards a single objective: for you to build your future.
- local_parking Parking
- two_wheeler 2W Parking
- commute 4W Parking
- local_printshop Printer/Scanner/Copy
- video_label Projector
- battery_charging_full Power backup
- security Security
- videocam CCTV
- free_breakfast Tea/Coffee
- fastfood Foods And Beverages
- food_bank Pantry