Myworx is a business center & Coworking Space center in Noida Sector 2, providing fully furnished office space to startups, freelancers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners with all amenities like internet, housekeeping, electricity, printer/scanner, meeting rooms, etc. Myworx provided virtual office space at the lowest cost.
- local_parking Parking
- two_wheeler 2W Parking
- mail Mail Service
- wifi WiFi
- lock Locker
- local_printshop Printer/Scanner/Copy
- content_paste Whiteboard
- video_label Projector
- tv TV
- laptop Computer on hire
- battery_charging_full Power backup
- security Security
- videocam CCTV
- ac_unit AC
- free_breakfast Tea/Coffee
- food_bank Pantry
- touch_app Biometric Access/Access Card
- elevator Lift Access
- bedtime Night Shift
- person_pin Onsite Staff
- support_agent Reception
- featured_video Branding Board
- directions_subway Metro Connectivity
- miscellaneous_services Tech Support