Success Story of Edukhoj: Growing Educational Search Platform In India

In today’s fast-paced world, everyone is running a race to learn something new and be the top of their game. However, the very first step towards any journey is the hardest and several times, people get skeptical about their career options just because they cannot find the right platform for their educational research. In order to solve this problem, Abhishek Porwal launched Edukhoj to bridge the gap between students and educational institutes. 

In this article, we will tell you everything about Edukhoj and its founder. 

How Did It Begin?

The idea for launching an online educational platform – Edukhoj originated when Abhishek Porwal answered a pointed question from a biology student during a career counseling event at one of the renowned schools. “Sir, if not NEET, then what option do biology students have? And what if not IIT? Why is Science restricted to only B.Tech or IIT”? This thought-provoking question motivated Abhishek to launch an e-learning platform, redefining the educational possibilities in India.

As a result, he also left his job and started working on a bootstrapped startup – Edukhoj. This commendable move not only marked a change in Abhishek’s professional trajectory, but it also embodied his platform’s dedication to challenge traditional educational standards. Abhishek Porwal launched Edukhoj in 2020 during the COVID-induced lockdown period. 

Success Of Edukhoj

The success of any brand depends on three major factors – dedication, persistence and passionate crew and the EduKhoj had all of them. Abhishek started Edukhoj with an aim to change the way institutes and learners interact with one another. Moreover, Edukhoj is the first to establish an education marketplace in India and the first to launch a web-based education ecosystem for students and coaching institutes.

The platform offers top coaching / professional institutes, colleges, and universities covering 220+ degrees, 520+ entrance exams, 20,000 specializations under multiple courses categories including Engineering, Medical, Design, Mass Communication and others. The company provides solutions to various education-related problems for both students and institutes.

What Makes Edukhoj Different From Other Competitors?

Edukhoj generates revenue through sponsored advertising which allows educational institutes to promote themselves on their website. Shiksha, Collegedunia, Collegedekho, and Careers360 are some of the big competitors of Edukhoj.

While the other brands are restricted to only higher education institutions, Edukhoj has introduced interesting features with the facilities regarding coaching institutions, professional/skilled institutes, higher education (colleges & universities), foreign colleges, courses for foreign students under ‘Study in India’ section.

In other words, Edukhoj is a one-stop, data-driven educational platform that helps students in connecting with education institutes to make an informed decision in their professional career. The main reason behind its success is the platform’s ability to create a mutually beneficial relationship between educational institutions and students.
